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 Statist criminals don't want competition: US, Russia to combat international crime

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Statist criminals don't want competition: US, Russia to combat international crime Vide
PostSubject: Statist criminals don't want competition: US, Russia to combat international crime   Statist criminals don't want competition: US, Russia to combat international crime Icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 5:19 am

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's national security adviser said Tuesday that nations need to work together better to combat money laundering and other crimes that send arms, drugs and other deadly weapons across international borders.

James Jones told a security conference in the southern Russian resort of Sochi that such cross-border crimes are a growing national security threat. He expressed concern that criminal syndicates could collaborate with terrorists seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

His push for greater cooperation came the same day that a Bangkok court removed a key legal obstacle to the extradition of alleged Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. Bout, who allegedly supplied weapons fueling civil wars in South America, the Middle East and Africa, has been fighting extradition to the U.S., where he would face terrorism-related charges.

Bout has been a symbol of American concerns about cross-border criminal organizations dating back to the Clinton administration, but he eluded authorities until U.S. narcotics agents arrested him in a sting operation in Bangkok in March, 2008. Russia says he's innocent and wants him returned to his homeland.

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Statist criminals don't want competition: US, Russia to combat international crime

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