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 Lying OZschwitz poLICE chief says Taser shot may have saved officers' lives

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Lying OZschwitz poLICE chief says Taser shot may have saved officers' lives  Vide
PostSubject: Lying OZschwitz poLICE chief says Taser shot may have saved officers' lives    Lying OZschwitz poLICE chief says Taser shot may have saved officers' lives  Icon_minitimeWed Oct 06, 2010 4:32 am

Tasering a man who was running at them with two long-bladed knives ARCHmay have saved two police officers' lives, NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said amid controversy over the use of Tasers.

Mr Scipione said he was confident the officers acted appropriately.

"In a split second the officers involved made a decision which I believe may have saved their lives," he told the media today. "Had he not been successful I certainly believe the consequences could have been tragic for one or both of the officers involved."

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Lying OZschwitz poLICE chief says Taser shot may have saved officers' lives

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