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 Ecuador troops rescue president from rebel cops - Ancaps disappointed

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Ecuador troops rescue president from rebel cops - Ancaps disappointed Vide
PostSubject: Ecuador troops rescue president from rebel cops - Ancaps disappointed   Ecuador troops rescue president from rebel cops - Ancaps disappointed Icon_minitimeFri Oct 01, 2010 12:13 am

QUITO, Ecuador – Ecuadorean soldiers firing automatic weapons and concussion grenades rescued President Rafael Correa late Thursday from a hospital where he was trapped most of the day by police rebelling over a cut in benefits.

At least one security force member was wounded in the 35-minute operation, and the government said at least one person was killed and six injured in clashes earlier in the day outside the hospital between Correa's supporters and insurgent cops.

Correa, 47, told cheering supporters from the balcony of the Carondelet palace after being spirited away from the hospital at top speed in an SUV that the uprising was more than a simple police protest.

"There were lots of infiltrators, dressed as civilian and we know where they were from," he shouted. But he did not blame anyone specifically.

Correa was trapped in the hospital for more than 12 hours after being treated for a tear-gassing that nearly aphyxiated him during a confrontation with hundreds of angry police officers who also shoved him and pelted him with water.

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