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 UK: Proposed tax cuts for citizens who become special constables

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UK: Proposed tax cuts for citizens who become special constables Vide
PostSubject: UK: Proposed tax cuts for citizens who become special constables   UK: Proposed tax cuts for citizens who become special constables Icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2010 12:20 am

COUNCIL tax rebates for members of the public who become special constables is among a raft of incentives being considered by ministers preparing the biggest shake-up of policing for decades.

Volunteers could see their council tax bills halved as a reward for helping police patrol the streets.

The move looks likely to mean the end for Police Community Service Officers, who are facing the axe after enduring heavy criticism. The much-maligned “plastic policemen” or “Blunkett’s bobbies”, named after former Home Secretary David Blunkett who introduced them in 2002, are set to be an early casualty of next month’s Government spending review in which police forces are facing cuts in their budgets of up to 25 per cent.


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UK: Proposed tax cuts for citizens who become special constables

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