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 Ancaps support schools across the OZschwitz state which are flouting government canteen rules

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Ancaps support schools across the OZschwitz state which are flouting government canteen rules Vide
PostSubject: Ancaps support schools across the OZschwitz state which are flouting government canteen rules   Ancaps support schools across the OZschwitz state which are flouting government canteen rules Icon_minitimeSun Sep 19, 2010 5:10 am

PRIMARY and high schools across the state are flouting state government instructions on what should be sold in school canteens.

The government promised to bar junk food six years ago under its Healthy School Canteen Strategy.

Under the much-heralded strategy, high-fat and sugary foods were supposed to be sold no more than twice a term and soft drinks were meant to be banned. Meat pies, sausage rolls, cakes and ice-creams were also to be restricted.

But a Sun-Herald study of schools in Sydney, regional areas and country towns has found that most canteens are still serving foods like hot chips, doughnuts, chocolates and soft drinks.

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Ancaps support schools across the OZschwitz state which are flouting government canteen rules

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