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 Good stuff: 'UK's Gurkhas facing axe amid budget cuts'

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Good stuff:  'UK's Gurkhas facing axe amid budget cuts' Vide
PostSubject: Good stuff: 'UK's Gurkhas facing axe amid budget cuts'   Good stuff:  'UK's Gurkhas facing axe amid budget cuts' Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 5:32 am

The Gurkha regiment could be facing the axe as part of the battle over defence spending, a Conservative MP claimed today.

Patrick Mercer, a former Army officer, said everything was "up for grabs" as the Ministry of Defence (MoD) attempts to balance the books.

He said the Gurkhas were now more expensive after winning a high-profile campaign for better rights and there had been a rise in "home-grown" recruitment.

"I think everything at the moment is up for grabs, particularly in terms of the balance between whether we cut kit or whether we cut manpower," he told GMTV.

"The great benefit that the Gurkhas had in the past was twofold - the first is that they were cheap, much cheaper than the British equivalent, and secondly they were plentiful.

"Well, now they are not so cheap and now British recruiting has never been higher."

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Good stuff: 'UK's Gurkhas facing axe amid budget cuts'

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