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 Via Ancaps: Nailed! Corrupt Iraq official sold stolen US computers

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Via Ancaps: Nailed! Corrupt Iraq official sold stolen US computers Vide
PostSubject: Via Ancaps: Nailed! Corrupt Iraq official sold stolen US computers   Via Ancaps: Nailed! Corrupt Iraq official sold stolen US computers Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 7:52 pm

An Iraqi official stole US-purchased computers worth almost $US2 million destined for schoolchildren and sold them off for less than $US50,000, the US army says.

In a highly unusual press statement, the American military said on Friday an unnamed senior official at Umm Qasr port had misappropriated the $US1.9 million ($A2.15 million) gift and auctioned the computers for only $US45,700 ($A51,627).

Documents provided by senior Iraqi customs officials proved that the auction took place on August 16 and the theft was discovered eight days later, the statement said.

It also said the US army commander in southern Iraq, Major General Vincent Brooks, wanted "an immediate investigation into the actions of the Umm Qasr official" to discover how computers meant for children had been auctioned.

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Via Ancaps: Nailed! Corrupt Iraq official sold stolen US computers

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