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 Yet another OZschwitz soldier whacked in Afghanistan - Keep 'em coming boys...

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Yet another OZschwitz soldier whacked in Afghanistan - Keep 'em coming boys... Vide
PostSubject: Yet another OZschwitz soldier whacked in Afghanistan - Keep 'em coming boys...   Yet another OZschwitz soldier whacked in Afghanistan - Keep 'em coming boys... Icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 4:19 am

An Australian soldier has been killed in an "intense firefight" with Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan, the Defence Force says.

He is the 21st Australian soldier to be killed in Afghanistan and the 10th since June.

Defence Force chief Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said the 28-year-old lance corporal was from the Brisbane-based 6 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment.

He was married with children. At his family's request, his name has not been released.

Air Chief Marshal Houston said the solider was part of a dismounted patrol with Afghan troops through the green zone in a city in the western part of Oruzgan province when their group was fired upon.

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Yet another OZschwitz soldier whacked in Afghanistan - Keep 'em coming boys...

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