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 Great Ancap News: Labor candidate flees after two shootings

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Great Ancap News: Labor candidate flees after two shootings Vide
PostSubject: Great Ancap News: Labor candidate flees after two shootings   Great Ancap News: Labor candidate flees after two shootings Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 4:00 am

A FEDERAL Labor candidate has fled his Engadine home with his wife and two children after suspected shots were fired into their house.

Brent Thomas, the candidate for Hughes, was preparing to leave home at 5am on Friday when an unidentified object struck their house.

A hole was left in the front wall, only centimetres from the window of a bedroom where Mr Thomas was getting dressed, News Limited reported.

It follows a similar attack on his Moorebank campaign office earlier in the week in which a projectile was fired through the shopfront window.

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Great Ancap News: Labor candidate flees after two shootings

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