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 1.6M Chinese in Deep Freeze--Northern China battles worst winter weather in decades

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1.6M Chinese in Deep Freeze--Northern China battles worst winter weather in decades Vide
PostSubject: 1.6M Chinese in Deep Freeze--Northern China battles worst winter weather in decades   1.6M Chinese in Deep Freeze--Northern China battles worst winter weather in decades Icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 11:41 pm

Some of the worst winter weather ever recorded has left thousands of people homeless in northern China. Close to 1.6 million people have been affected by blizzards and record-low temperatures, AP reports. More than 100,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged in Xinjiang, and 100,000 head of cattle killed.

The blizzards have left thousands of travelers stranded across northern China. Hundred of fishing boats have been trapped in sea ice along the coast. Some parts of Xinjiang received five times as much snow in the first few weeks of January than is typical for an entire average year. Authorities in neighboring Mongolia have appealed for assistance from the international community.

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1.6M Chinese in Deep Freeze--Northern China battles worst winter weather in decades

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