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 Save the apes: Congo volcano eruption threatens rare chimpanzees

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Save the apes: Congo volcano eruption threatens rare chimpanzees Vide
PostSubject: Save the apes: Congo volcano eruption threatens rare chimpanzees   Save the apes: Congo volcano eruption threatens rare chimpanzees Icon_minitimeSat Jan 02, 2010 11:00 pm

Lava from a volcano in a sparsely populated area of the Democratic Republic of Congo is threatening rare chimpanzees, wildlife officials say.

Mount Nyamulagira, 25km (16 miles) from the eastern city of Goma, erupted at dawn on Saturday, sending lava into the surrounding Virunga National Park.

About 40 endangered chimpanzees and other animals live in the area.

But the country's famous critically endangered mountain gorillas are said to be safe as they live further east.

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Save the apes: Congo volcano eruption threatens rare chimpanzees

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