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 Nuclear researchers at Los Alamos accidentally blew up part of a building

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Nuclear researchers at Los Alamos accidentally blew up part of a building Vide
PostSubject: Nuclear researchers at Los Alamos accidentally blew up part of a building   Nuclear researchers at Los Alamos accidentally blew up part of a building Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2009 6:27 pm

Building Explodes in Los Alamos Blunder

$3M damage after cannon test goes awry

Nuclear researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory accidentally blew up part of a building this week while testing a gun that acts like a Civil War cannon, according to documents obtained by the Project on Government Oversight. Nobody was injured in the incident, but sources say the bill for the damage will top $3 million, Gawker reports.

"Researchers heard a loud, unusual noise from Technical Area 15, Building 562 after firing a shot from a large-bore powder gun," a Los Alamos occurrence report states. "Outside, they observed that two doors had been blown off the facility and concrete shielding blocks on the west and east side of the building were separated from the wall."

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Nuclear researchers at Los Alamos accidentally blew up part of a building

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