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 The New Rules of Angel Investing: Gutless Wimp Investing

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The New Rules of Angel Investing: Gutless Wimp Investing Vide
PostSubject: The New Rules of Angel Investing: Gutless Wimp Investing   The New Rules of Angel Investing: Gutless Wimp Investing Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 4:59 am

Angels still have wings, but they aren’t flying quite so high.

The rules of the game of angel investing have changed in the post-crisis world. The average deal size shrank by 31 percent in the first half of this year, according to a recent study by the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire. The study shows that total angel investments fell to $9.1 billion in the first half of 2009, a 27 percent decline from the same period last year, but the number of companies getting venture investments actually increased by 6 percent, to 24,500.

Angels are still financing deals, but at lower valuations and with more specific milestones. They have grown more picky and less tolerant of risk. “What you’re seeing now is a real flight to quality,” said David S. Rose, chairman of New York Angels. “If you are the real deal, you can get funded.”

What’s the real deal? Angels are looking for companies with more modest capital requirements. They seek companies that bootstrap, beat quicker paths to profitability and have proven management teams. “The most striking change is angel investors are way more discerning about where they deploy their capital,” said Bruce Cerullo, a Boston-based angel investor who specializes in health care. “Now groups like ours are looking for more fully baked ideas that are much closer to revenue generation.”

Do It Yourself

There has been a sea change in risk sensitivity; the more self-sufficiency a company demonstrates, the less risky it appears. “Bootstrap it as long as you possibly can to validate your business model and to get some traction,” Mr. Cerullo said. “The more traction you have, the more leverage you are going to have in a valuation negotiation with an angel or private equity investor.”

Entrepreneurs should find ways to finance their own growth: working without salary, moonlighting, seeking grants, running lean operations and focusing on an aspect of the business that can generate revenue.

Bear in mind that the worst of times for the economy can be the best of times for starting a company. Labor is cheap and plentiful. The costs of starting an Internet-based company have fallen sharply thanks to cheaper technology, including open-source software. “Work hard to figure out if there’s a business plan you can pursue where your capital requirements are zero,” said Ian Sobieski, founder and managing director of the Silicon Valley-based Band of Angels Fund. “The easiest way to raise money is to not absolutely have to raise money.”

Angels are looking for companies that can get to break even on the angel investment. In return, they are willing to be more patient, Mr. Rose said. In the old days, angels invested with the idea that they would finance the company at an early stage, then venture capitalists would step in with a large injection of cash that allowed it to blast off on a hockey-stick growth trajectory.

“Now we’re prepared to give up the immediate hockey stick in exchange for you being able to reliably get to break even on our cash while building value for the company,” Mr. Rose said. “The minute the market comes back, we can inject V.C. cash — and then you have the hockey stick.”

More nauseous bullshit, here:


Gutless, clueless punks!
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The New Rules of Angel Investing: Gutless Wimp Investing

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