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 Professionally incompetent OZschwitz PM, offers to build seawalls, for sinking Pacific nations; Sheer genius!

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Professionally incompetent OZschwitz PM, offers to build seawalls, for sinking Pacific nations; Sheer genius! Vide
PostSubject: Professionally incompetent OZschwitz PM, offers to build seawalls, for sinking Pacific nations; Sheer genius!   Professionally incompetent OZschwitz PM, offers to build seawalls, for sinking Pacific nations; Sheer genius! Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 4:24 am

AS PACIFIC nations plead for help dealing with rising sea levels and savage storms brought by climate change, Kevin Rudd has offered to help build sea walls and rehouse those driven from their homes.

But at the Pacific Islands Forum meeting in Cairns yesterday, the Prime Minister avoided saying whether Australia would accept climate refugees from the region.

Mr Rudd said he was shocked to hear from regional leaders of coastal villages already being abandoned and farmland and water supplies destroyed by rising salt water.
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Professionally incompetent OZschwitz PM, offers to build seawalls, for sinking Pacific nations; Sheer genius! Vide
PostSubject: Re: Professionally incompetent OZschwitz PM, offers to build seawalls, for sinking Pacific nations; Sheer genius!   Professionally incompetent OZschwitz PM, offers to build seawalls, for sinking Pacific nations; Sheer genius! Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 4:26 am

Fucking leftist idiot!

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Professionally incompetent OZschwitz PM, offers to build seawalls, for sinking Pacific nations; Sheer genius!

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