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 ANCAPS to John P. Walters: Take your medication regularly, you sick evil fuck!

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ANCAPS to John P. Walters: Take your medication regularly, you sick evil fuck! Vide
PostSubject: ANCAPS to John P. Walters: Take your medication regularly, you sick evil fuck!   ANCAPS to John P. Walters: Take your medication regularly, you sick evil fuck! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 8:30 pm

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 -

John P. Walters just can't seem to contain himself. Give the career powercrat a job with the imperial appellation of "Drug Czar" and he just instinctively grasps for more. Last summer, for example, the Top Drug Thug made headlines by declaring that simple, nonviolent marijuana gardeners are dangerous terrorists. While you puzzle over that oxymoronic disconnect, consider this further quote from the Redding Record Searchlight : "Marijuana gardens are a terrorist threat to the public's health and safety, as well as to the environment." Apparently, Walters wants to proclaim himself Terrorist Czar, Public Health Czar, Safety Czar, and Environmental Czar as well. The authoritarian thought process that leads the power-addicted to equate a grower of weeds with a fanatical jihadist offers an easy comparison between the language of Thuggery and the language of Freedom.
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ANCAPS to John P. Walters: Take your medication regularly, you sick evil fuck!

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