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 Checkpoints return to Ulster amid bomb attack fears

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Checkpoints return to Ulster amid bomb attack fears Vide
PostSubject: Checkpoints return to Ulster amid bomb attack fears   Checkpoints return to Ulster amid bomb attack fears Icon_minitimeMon Feb 11, 2008 6:09 am

Threats from dissident republicans have forced police in Northern Ireland to deploy vehicle checkpoints to prevent a new terrorist bombing campaign and put an end to hopes of a historic British royal visit to the Irish Republic this year.

Sir Hugh Orde, the Police Service of Northern Ireland's chief constable, warned yesterday that groups such as the Real IRA would target England if they could. His warning came within hours of a PSNI statement confirming that its officers had set up a number of vehicle checkpoints on routes from the republic into Northern Ireland.

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Checkpoints return to Ulster amid bomb attack fears

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