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 Police suspend use of discredited DNA test after Omagh acquittal

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Police suspend use of discredited DNA test after Omagh acquittal Vide
PostSubject: Police suspend use of discredited DNA test after Omagh acquittal   Police suspend use of discredited DNA test after Omagh acquittal Icon_minitimeMon Feb 11, 2008 6:04 am

· CPS to review other low copy number court cases
· Expert claims authorities warned about problems

The police last night announced the suspension of the use of a specific DNA technique in the light of the collapse of the trial of the man accused of the Omagh bombing. The Crown Prosecution Service also announced it was reviewing upcoming cases in which the so-called low copy number DNA was part of the prosecution.

Tony Lake, chief constable of Lincolnshire who speaks for the Association of Chief Police Officers on forensic science matters, said the police were studying the implications of the Omagh case which was thrown out over doubts about the low copy number evidence. "Whilst this is being considered, the police are operating an interim suspension of the use of the LCN DNA testing service," he said.

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Police suspend use of discredited DNA test after Omagh acquittal

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