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 JPMorgan to resume hiring unvaccinated individuals, drop mask mandate -memo

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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JPMorgan to resume hiring unvaccinated individuals, drop mask mandate -memo Vide
PostSubject: JPMorgan to resume hiring unvaccinated individuals, drop mask mandate -memo   JPMorgan to resume hiring unvaccinated individuals, drop mask mandate -memo Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2022 6:03 pm

JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) will resume hiring unvaccinated individuals from April 4, the bank said in an internal memo seen by Reuters on Monday, as it looks to ease rules put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

JPMorgan to resume hiring unvaccinated individuals, drop mask mandate -memo NPPYV2S77BPIFOJSVXUXID4NJE

The bank is also dropping the mask mandate in it offices for all employees, making wearing masks voluntary for both vaccinated and unvaccinated employees, according to the memo.

Mandatory testing for unvaccinated staffers, asking employees to report COVID-19 infection and associated contact tracing and notifications will be discontinued on April 4, the memo said.

"We are learning to live with COVID as part of our new normal," the bank said in the memo, as cases decline and vaccines continue to offer high levels of immunity.

The shift highlights a growing inclination among corporations and government officials to seek a return to normalcy. The bank, however, said that masking mandates might return if there was another spike in cases.

Employees in New York City must continue to meet vaccination requirements unless the city lifted the order, the memo said, adding the Wall Street giant would also continue to offer complimentary home testing kits.

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JPMorgan to resume hiring unvaccinated individuals, drop mask mandate -memo

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