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 Nickel prices double to record $100,000 a ton, trading suspended in London

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Nickel prices double to record $100,000 a ton, trading suspended in London Vide
PostSubject: Nickel prices double to record $100,000 a ton, trading suspended in London   Nickel prices double to record $100,000 a ton, trading suspended in London Icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2022 12:40 am

The LME said in a statement that it had been monitoring the evolving situation in Russia and Ukraine and it was evident this had affected the nickel market.
   Three-month nickel on the London Metal Exchange briefly jumped to a record high above $100,000 a metric ton, before paring gains.
   “It is a very dangerous market right now because this is a market that is not driven by supply and demand, it is driven by fear,” Saxo Bank’s Ole Hansen said Tuesday.

Nickel prices double to record $100,000 a ton, trading suspended in London 107026799-1646735980677-gettyimages-1238830206-UK_LME



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Nickel prices double to record $100,000 a ton, trading suspended in London

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