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 Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations

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Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations Vide
PostSubject: Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations   Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2022 7:31 pm

Dozens of Western companies have fled Russia in recent days, abandoning inventory, property and investments worth billions and now sitting idle. Russia has a solution for how to deal with that: a senior member of Russia's ruling party has proposed nationalizing foreign-owned factories that shut down operations in the country over what the Ukraine invasion.

Toyota, Nike and IKEA are among the companies that have announced shutdowns of stores and factories in Russia in order to put pressure on the Kremlin to stop its invasion of neighboring Ukraine. In a statement published on Monday evening on the United Russia website, the secretary of the ruling party's general council Andrei Turchak said that shutting operations was a "war" against the citizens of Russia.

The statement mentioned Finnish privately-owned food companies Fazer, Valio and Paulig as the latest to announce closures in Russia.

"United Russia proposes nationalizing production plants of the companies that announce their exit and the closure of production in Russia during the special operation in Ukraine," Turchak said.

Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations Turchak


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Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations

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