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 GOP wants to end Russian oil imports to US, boost production

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GOP wants to end Russian oil imports to US, boost production Vide
PostSubject: GOP wants to end Russian oil imports to US, boost production   GOP wants to end Russian oil imports to US, boost production Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2022 7:13 pm

Republican elected officials across the U.S. are criticizing President Joe Biden over his energy policies and want to ramp up domestic production as a way to help wean the nation and its allies off oil from Russia. Governors, senators and state attorneys general from oil- and gas-producing states such as Oklahoma and Louisiana urged his administration to do more to boost production, which actually increased during Biden’s first year in office. The sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies on Russia for its war with Ukraine so far do not include oil and gas exports from the country.


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GOP wants to end Russian oil imports to US, boost production

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