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 US Bans Transactions With Russian Central Bank, Freezing Nearly Half Of Russia's $630BN In Reserves

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US Bans Transactions With Russian Central Bank, Freezing Nearly Half Of Russia's $630BN In Reserves Vide
PostSubject: US Bans Transactions With Russian Central Bank, Freezing Nearly Half Of Russia's $630BN In Reserves   US Bans Transactions With Russian Central Bank, Freezing Nearly Half Of Russia's $630BN In Reserves Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2022 8:58 pm

Following in the footsteps of Europe, on Monday the Biden administration banned U.S. people and companies from doing business with the Bank of Russia, the Russian National Wealth Fund and the Ministry of Finance. The moves by the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control will “effectively immobilize” any Russian central bank assets held in the U.S. or by U.S. nationals, according to a Treasury department statement.

According to the Treasury release, the U.S. also announced new penalties on a key Russian sovereign wealth fund, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, and its Chief Executive Officer, Kirill Aleksandrovich Dmitriev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The announcements marked the latest blow in the West’s financial retaliation against Russia following Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and are designed to shake an already staggering Russian financial system.

“The unprecedented action we are taking today will significantly limit Russia’s ability to use assets to finance its destabilizing activities, and target the funds Putin and his inner circle depend on to enable his invasion of Ukraine,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement.

US Bans Transactions With Russian Central Bank, Freezing Nearly Half Of Russia's $630BN In Reserves TSY%20statement%20on%20cb

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US Bans Transactions With Russian Central Bank, Freezing Nearly Half Of Russia's $630BN In Reserves

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