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 Germany halts Nord Stream 2 and Russia responds with a stark warning

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Germany halts Nord Stream 2 and Russia responds with a stark warning Vide
PostSubject: Germany halts Nord Stream 2 and Russia responds with a stark warning   Germany halts Nord Stream 2 and Russia responds with a stark warning Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2022 8:55 pm

The West showed Tuesday it was ready to target Russia's huge energy industry — even at the risk of hurting itself — after Moscow ordered troops into parts of eastern Ukraine.

Germany halts Nord Stream 2 and Russia responds with a stark warning 54506547-0-image-a-26_1645540666222

Germany said it was halting certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline following Moscow's actions in eastern Ukraine on Monday.

"With regard to the latest developments, we need to reassess the situation also with regard to Nord Stream 2. It sounds very technocratic but it is the necessary administrative step in order to stop certification of the pipeline," Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in Berlin.

The 750-mile pipeline was completed in September but has not yet received final certification from German regulators. Without that, natural gas cannot flow through the Baltic Sea pipeline from Russia to Germany.

The United States, the United Kingdom, Ukraine and several EU countries have opposed the pipeline since it was announced in 2015, warning the project would increase Moscow's influence in Europe.
Nord Stream 2 could deliver 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year. That's more than 50% of Germany's annual consumption and could be worth as much as $15 billion to Gazprom, the Russian state owned company that controls the pipeline.

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Germany halts Nord Stream 2 and Russia responds with a stark warning

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