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 Why Coinbase admitted Apple calls the shots

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Why Coinbase admitted Apple calls the shots Vide
PostSubject: Why Coinbase admitted Apple calls the shots   Why Coinbase admitted Apple calls the shots Icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2022 8:39 pm

Mainstream adoption means being listed in the App Store

Why Coinbase admitted Apple calls the shots ?

One of Web3’s benefits, according to boosters such as Jack Dorsey, is that it’s censorship-resistant. Because it is decentralized, this argument goes, it is impossible to censor anyone. But it isn’t true that cryptocurrency is decentralized. Right now, Web3 has a choke point: Big Tech.

Cryptocurrency has relied on points of centralization since the days of Mt. Gox. (That hack wouldn’t have mattered nearly as much if Mt. Gox hadn’t been processing 80 percent of all transaction volume in Bitcoin at times). As the ecosystem has expanded, so have the points of centralization, such as AWS and Google Cloud.

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Why Coinbase admitted Apple calls the shots

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