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 Boris Johnson used to be libertarian - so why now this nanny state?

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
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Boris Johnson used to be libertarian - so why now this nanny state?  Vide
PostSubject: Boris Johnson used to be libertarian - so why now this nanny state?    Boris Johnson used to be libertarian - so why now this nanny state?  Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2022 9:20 pm

FOOD prices are going up and they will only continue to do so. It has been clear since at least October that a combination of factors including supply chain issues and post-pandemic labour shortages would interrupt the smooth manufacture and distribution of food and increase costs for consumers.

Boris Johnson used to be libertarian - so why now this nanny state?  Bojo-1568675

As a result, our weekly shopping bills are about to become a lot more expensive. Very soon, families up and down the country will suddenly find that they have run out of money before the end of the month. In fact, more and more harrowing stories are already emerging of many having to choose between heating their homes and feeding themselves. Against that backdrop, it is baffling that this government is persisting with its wrongheaded anti-obesity drive, at great and direct cost to struggling families. Once upon a time, Boris Johnson used to call himself ‘libertarian’ and speak of Britain as a ‘land of liberty’.

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Boris Johnson used to be libertarian - so why now this nanny state?

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