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 So much for licensing: FDA removes 1,100 dead rodents from Arkansas Family Dollar facility

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So much for licensing: FDA removes 1,100 dead rodents from Arkansas Family Dollar facility Vide
PostSubject: So much for licensing: FDA removes 1,100 dead rodents from Arkansas Family Dollar facility   So much for licensing: FDA removes 1,100 dead rodents from Arkansas Family Dollar facility Icon_minitimeSat Feb 19, 2022 8:39 pm

Company says it is not aware of any consumer complaints but lists 404 stores that might have sold contaminated food and drugs

So much for licensing: FDA removes 1,100 dead rodents from Arkansas Family Dollar facility 3500

More than 1,000 rodents were found inside a Family Dollar distribution facility in Arkansas, the US Food and Drug Administration said on Friday as the chain issued a voluntary recall on items purchased from hundreds of stores across the US south.

A consumer complaint had prompted officials to inspect the West Memphis, Arkansas, facility in January, the FDA said.


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So much for licensing: FDA removes 1,100 dead rodents from Arkansas Family Dollar facility

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