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 Bitcoin City: The Delightful History of Libertarian Attempts to Create Independent Cities

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Bitcoin City: The Delightful History of Libertarian Attempts to Create Independent Cities Vide
PostSubject: Bitcoin City: The Delightful History of Libertarian Attempts to Create Independent Cities   Bitcoin City: The Delightful History of Libertarian Attempts to Create Independent Cities Icon_minitimeSun Feb 13, 2022 7:29 pm

Late last year, El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele announced plans to build “Bitcoin City” – a tax-free territory in the country’s east.

The city will use bitcoin (BTC) and be powered by the nearby Conchuagua volcano. According to Bukele, there will be:

   Residential areas, commercial areas, services, museums, entertainment, bars, restaurants, airport, port, rail [..] [but] no income tax, zero property tax, no contract tax, zero city tax and zero CO2 emissions.

Whether or not Bitcoin City eventuates, it joins a long and bizarre history of libertarian-inspired attempts to start independent cities and countries.

Bitcoin City: The Delightful History of Libertarian Attempts to Create Independent Cities V

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Bitcoin City: The Delightful History of Libertarian Attempts to Create Independent Cities

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