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 Democrats' gas-tax gimmick shows they're really scared about November

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Democrats' gas-tax gimmick shows they're really scared about November Vide
PostSubject: Democrats' gas-tax gimmick shows they're really scared about November   Democrats' gas-tax gimmick shows they're really scared about November Icon_minitimeSun Feb 13, 2022 6:27 am

It doesn't matter how long you've been writing about and covering politics in Washington. Just when you think you've seen the most ridiculous, silliest, most desperate ideas ever to float through a news cycle, some politicians' survival instincts suddenly surprise you.

The Democratic Party's political warriors are evidently soiling their armor over their most recent round of internal polls. Not only are they abruptly repealing the very mask mandates they recently reimposed on their voters (mandates they insisted until just five minutes ago were scientifically necessary to prevent mankind from perishing), but now they are doing something that would normally cause Democrats to break out in hives: They are offering a massive tax break that benefits the fossil fuel industry.



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Democrats' gas-tax gimmick shows they're really scared about November

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