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 Why crypto is a waste of energy, full of crime, and isn’t really decentralized

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Why crypto is a waste of energy, full of crime, and isn’t really decentralized Vide
PostSubject: Why crypto is a waste of energy, full of crime, and isn’t really decentralized   Why crypto is a waste of energy, full of crime, and isn’t really decentralized Icon_minitimeSun Feb 13, 2022 6:11 am

As venture capitalists pour money into Web3 and crypto, David Rosenthal meticulously explains why the overly hyped technology is extraordinarily inefficient, insecure, and more centralized than decentralized.

Why crypto is a waste of energy, full of crime, and isn’t really decentralized Alecus

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Why crypto is a waste of energy, full of crime, and isn’t really decentralized

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