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 Semitic-impositionists: Yahweh's Self-Anointed Schmucks: A Tale of the Most & First Vaxxed Country

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Semitic-impositionists: Yahweh's Self-Anointed Schmucks: A Tale of the Most & First Vaxxed Country Vide
PostSubject: Semitic-impositionists: Yahweh's Self-Anointed Schmucks: A Tale of the Most & First Vaxxed Country   Semitic-impositionists: Yahweh's Self-Anointed Schmucks: A Tale of the Most & First Vaxxed Country Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2022 4:26 pm

[Copied in full, for the record]

1/ Hi followers from around the world, I feel that we need to take a moment and explain to you what is happening in #Israel today.  Everything is so fast & crazy, but as we’ve said many times, 🇮🇱 is a trailer now in many ways, and if you want time to prepare - read carefully.

2/ There is complete chaos in Israel today.  The Omicron did not scare parents enough to vaccinate the 5-plus-year-olds, nor did the vaccine teams that came to the schools do the job.

So the madness goes up a gear.

3/ You are all probably familiar with Macron's bullying speech.

This speech was a whistle calling on all fascists in the public sphere to wake up and call together for our government - "Be Macron" and to embitter the lives of the unvaccinated.

4/ Opinion columns were published one after another - calling for distancing, excluding, marking, degrading, complicating and also imprisoning away from society “the unvaccinated”

And this was just the ground of incitement on which everything rests, the preparation of society.

5/ Voices began to address covid in a military-security language, school safety authorities (supposed to protect children from enemy harm) were directed to address dialogue with *parents*, and principals asked parents to treat the school as a closed military area (from them).

6/ For a few days there seemed to be HOPE, more people "woke up" to realize that the demand for a 4th booster didn’t make sense, In MSM & medical consensus suddenly they questioned the policy and necessity of the Green Pass, raise possibility that the omicron would naturally V us.

7/ Suddenly, overnight, there was again a sharp change in language in public discourse - MSM began to treat any criticism of COVID policy and/or opposition to the vaccine as *national security* offenses in Israel punishable by death or life imprisonment.

8/ It is unprecedented and very staggering.
It also affects the scope of the critical voices.

9/ Then - the regulations and rules and the press releases - did not stop changing.  

For a moment, malls closed for unvaxxed, a moment later they opened, only to close again in another way.  
The same goes for education, health services, state borders and more.

10/ Most of the public service’s offices - are opened only with Green Pass.

The courts are silent and supporting this policy.

* As a lawyer-
I lost all remaining trust in the legal system that I was a part of for many years and full heartedly believed in despite criticism.

11/ Green Pass & masks Regulations - Tightened.  
Our 6+ y.o. children are obligated to masks at all hours of the day in the education system - even during breaks.  
In the afternoon activities as well. Masks are now inside a building and in an open space - over 50 people.

12/ The worst of it all is the civilian police - your neighbors, colleagues, teachers friends and complete strangers on the street - police you to put on a mask, every service provider requires you to show medical exemption documents.

13/ A Green Pass is everywhere in Israel - direct or indirect.  Anyone who wants some (fake) “normalcy” in a work space, academia, entertainment and even education of minors - cooperates and does whatever he pleases in this context. It’s allowed to be as strict as you want.

14/ Teachers move between classes and require students to point out and identify as vaccinated or not, sometimes marking with bracelets, sometimes dividing into groups left and right, sometimes declaring the school transportation “only for the vaccinated and recovered"

15/ Since most “infected” in Israel right now are vaccinated (and even more so with terrible flu) - they probably needed to find a way to hide the data through selective testing -
And that’s new parents hell.

16/ If there is exposure to "verified covid" - vaxxed students can report a home antigen test and return to school, and the unvaxxed are required to do a supervised test- and in any case - even with a negative - they stay a week at home.  Without any educational answer to most.

17/ Of course - this will never give a correct data presentation because of the difference in the testing - but it’s also an unjust and completely irrelevant punishment to young children.
Very young this time.

18/ Moreover, the information on each Covid test (allegedly confidential medical information) is passed directly from the lab to the MOH and in the case of minors also to the education framework (sometimes the other parents know) - before even updating the parents of the tested.

19/ In every education framework, "Covid Trustees" were assigned, whose role was to supervise and enforce the guidelines in schools and kindergartens, to prevent the entry of parents without a GP, to supervise masks, and to test children if they decided that "there was exposure."

20/ Sometimes teachers take the initiative and also appoint children as "Covid Trustees" - they will supervise their classmates.

21/ The discourse between parents and between students on this subject escalates …
Honestly it seems as if someone activated some breaker in the minds of our friends and neighbors - and made them extremely cruel and insane, without even basic common sense or decency.

22/ Almost the entire economy is shut down and malfunction with these artificial and selective house arrests (lockdowns / quarantine) , and this is despite the fact that society in Israel is vaccinated in dose 3 at very high percentages, and has started vaccination in dose 4.

23/ There is almost no real Covid morbidity (there is a lot of serious flu in the hospitals)

But there is a morbidity of the society structure.

There’s more, but that’s all I can say to warn you on this new Kafkaesque reality.


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Semitic-impositionists: Yahweh's Self-Anointed Schmucks: A Tale of the Most & First Vaxxed Country

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