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  Human Degeneracy Watch: Texas convenience store shooting leaves 3 dead

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 Human Degeneracy Watch: Texas convenience store shooting leaves 3 dead Vide
PostSubject: Human Degeneracy Watch: Texas convenience store shooting leaves 3 dead    Human Degeneracy Watch: Texas convenience store shooting leaves 3 dead Icon_minitimeMon Dec 27, 2021 8:23 pm

Three people were fatally shot Sunday night at a convenience store in Garland, Texas, police said. A fourth victim was hospitalized in critical condition.
Lt. Pedro Barineau with the Garland Police Department says surveillance video from the Texaco station showed a man leave a pickup truck and immediately begin firing after entering the store. He then returned to the truck, which was driven by another person.
Neither the suspect nor the getaway driver has been identified.
"This does not appear to be a robbery," Barrineau told CNN. He said investigators are not yet sure whether the shooter knew the victims.
Garland is part of the north Texas "Metroplex," just northeast of Dallas.

 Human Degeneracy Watch: Texas convenience store shooting leaves 3 dead Map_fd32a983-73fc-4197-9298-79058f709f59_16x9


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