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 PERPETUALLY HOWLING DOGS OF THE IRRATIONAL LEFT: Anti-colonial protestors rage 'tear this b**** down' as they topple statues of the Queen and Queen Victoria & throw one of Captain Cook into harbour

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

PERPETUALLY HOWLING DOGS OF THE IRRATIONAL LEFT: Anti-colonial protestors rage 'tear this b**** down' as they topple statues of the Queen and Queen Victoria & throw one of Captain Cook into harbour Vide
PostSubject: PERPETUALLY HOWLING DOGS OF THE IRRATIONAL LEFT: Anti-colonial protestors rage 'tear this b**** down' as they topple statues of the Queen and Queen Victoria & throw one of Captain Cook into harbour   PERPETUALLY HOWLING DOGS OF THE IRRATIONAL LEFT: Anti-colonial protestors rage 'tear this b**** down' as they topple statues of the Queen and Queen Victoria & throw one of Captain Cook into harbour Icon_minitimeFri Jul 02, 2021 6:32 pm

Boris Johnson today decried the violent mob who celebrated 'tearing this b**ch down' as they toppled and desecrated statues of Britain's Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II during Canada Day protests sparked by the discovery of mass graves of indigenous schoolchildren.

PERPETUALLY HOWLING DOGS OF THE IRRATIONAL LEFT: Anti-colonial protestors rage 'tear this b**** down' as they topple statues of the Queen and Queen Victoria & throw one of Captain Cook into harbour 44962785-9749001-image-a-44_1625237812384

In scenes reminiscent of the BLM protests where a 'hit list' of 'racist' statues in the US and UK was drawn up for destruction after the murder of George Floyd, the bronze sculptures of Britain's current monarch and her great-great grandmother in Winnipeg were hauled down, daubed with red paint and even appeared to have been strangled with Mohawk flags.

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PERPETUALLY HOWLING DOGS OF THE IRRATIONAL LEFT: Anti-colonial protestors rage 'tear this b**** down' as they topple statues of the Queen and Queen Victoria & throw one of Captain Cook into harbour

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