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 Naked man electrocuted by NYC subway third rail after he shoved straphanger to tracks

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Naked man electrocuted by NYC subway third rail after he shoved straphanger to tracks Vide
PostSubject: Naked man electrocuted by NYC subway third rail after he shoved straphanger to tracks   Naked man electrocuted by NYC subway third rail after he shoved straphanger to tracks Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2021 12:10 am

A naked, emotionally wrought man was electrocuted on a subway third rail in Harlem on Saturday after he shoved a man to the tracks and jumped down himself to prevent the man from being rescued, eyewitnesses told the Daily News.

Naked man electrocuted by NYC subway third rail after he shoved straphanger to tracks VZZVAI7WWBBOXEURZBVJ5DQCYI

The man shoved to the tracks and a good Samaritan who tried to rescue him were saved.

Around 4 p.m. the crazed man — completely unclothed despite the January chill — appeared on the platform of the Central Park North/110th St. station and began gyrating and dancing next to random people, said a witness who made video of the incident and asked not to be named.

“He came up to dance on me, but I told him to get lost,” said the witness, who said he had seen the naked man at the station before and believed him to be homeless.

Next, the naked man found another person on the platform and began dancing next to him.


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Naked man electrocuted by NYC subway third rail after he shoved straphanger to tracks

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