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 From The Ossified & Putrid Troglodyte Right: How libertarianism tarnished Conservative movement

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From The Ossified & Putrid Troglodyte Right:  How libertarianism tarnished Conservative movement Vide
PostSubject: From The Ossified & Putrid Troglodyte Right: How libertarianism tarnished Conservative movement   From The Ossified & Putrid Troglodyte Right:  How libertarianism tarnished Conservative movement Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2021 12:01 am

“The libertarian thinks that this world is chiefly a stage for the swaggering ego; the conservative finds himself instead a pilgrim in a realm of mystery and wonder, where duty, discipline, and sacrifice are required-and where the reward is that love which passeth all understanding.”

-Russell Kirk

From The Ossified & Putrid Troglodyte Right:  How libertarianism tarnished Conservative movement 9f6af764-a3a7-4ec4-ad5b-7713e215786a-libertarian



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From The Ossified & Putrid Troglodyte Right: How libertarianism tarnished Conservative movement

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