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 Waiting in line to shop -- a profession in decrepit socialist Venezuela

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Waiting in line to shop -- a profession in decrepit socialist Venezuela Vide
PostSubject: Waiting in line to shop -- a profession in decrepit socialist Venezuela   Waiting in line to shop -- a profession in decrepit socialist Venezuela Icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2015 8:24 pm

Shortages of basic goods and long lines of consumers hoping to buy them have spawned a new profession in crisis-hit Venezuela: waiting in line to buy things for other people.

Waiting in line to shop -- a profession in decrepit socialist Venezuela Ebaea6baa41db73a7e2c2b7f08b2a58c2f584906_original

Krisbell Villarroel, a 22-year-old single mother of two small children in Caracas, makes a living by queuing up to buy things she then sells to clients who pay her for the time she spends standing in line.

"Every day, I have to get up at two in the morning and call my friends to find out where things are for sale or what is for sale," Villarroel told AFP.
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Waiting in line to shop -- a profession in decrepit socialist Venezuela

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