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 Good for them: Unregistered practitioners performing plastic surgery

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Good for them: Unregistered practitioners performing plastic surgery Vide
PostSubject: Good for them: Unregistered practitioners performing plastic surgery   Good for them: Unregistered practitioners performing plastic surgery Icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2015 8:21 pm

Backyard parlours and beauty salons are brazenly practising cosmetic surgery across the state, prompting NSW doctors to issue a stern warning about the dangers of engaging unregistered practitioners.

Good for them: Unregistered practitioners performing plastic surgery 1421382425210

The state's acting chief health officer, Dr Jeremy McAnulty, has warned of the "great risk" of unregistered procedures such as botox, dermal fillers and eyelid surgery.

"[Unregistered cosmetic surgery] places people at greater risk from poor surgical outcomes, severe infections and even nerve damage or disfigurement," said Dr McAnulty.  

The NSW president of the Australian Medical Association, Dr Saxon Smith, echoed Dr McAnulty's calls for caution.
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Good for them: Unregistered practitioners performing plastic surgery

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