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 Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe expected to pay $505m to settle outrageous and immoral class action

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe expected to pay $505m to settle outrageous and immoral class action Vide
PostSubject: Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe expected to pay $505m to settle outrageous and immoral class action   Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe expected to pay $505m to settle outrageous and immoral class action Icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2015 8:20 pm

One of Silicon Valley's most embarrassing episodes might be finally drawing to a close.

Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe expected to pay $505m to settle outrageous and immoral class action 1421369048291

Court papers to be filed as early as Thursday (US Time) will most likely put an end to a legal battle that has consumed the tech world since it was revealed in 2010 that several leading companies had conspired against their own employees.

The companies were accused of making secret deals not to hire each other's engineers, which kept the new products flowing but put a brake on the workers' mobility and incomes. The government investigation prompted private lawsuits, which were rolled up into one big class action that was scheduled to go to trial this year.

To head off a trial and the exposure of reams of incriminating emails, Google, Apple, Intel and Adobe — the four remaining defendants — are offering to pay $US415 million ($504.6 million), according to a person with knowledge of the negotiations. That sum is acceptable to the plaintiffs' lawyers. If a judge approves, the case will end.
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Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe expected to pay $505m to settle outrageous and immoral class action

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