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 OZschwitz slave pen: farming family could be risking fines for giving away 200 tonnes of potatoes

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

OZschwitz slave pen: farming family could be risking fines for giving away 200 tonnes of potatoes Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz slave pen: farming family could be risking fines for giving away 200 tonnes of potatoes   OZschwitz slave pen: farming family could be risking fines for giving away 200 tonnes of potatoes Icon_minitimeWed Jan 14, 2015 1:24 am

The head of one of Western Australia's best known fruit and vegetable farming families could be risking fines for giving away 200 tonnes of potatoes.

OZschwitz slave pen: farming family could be risking fines for giving away 200 tonnes of potatoes 1421138598371

The Spud Shed owner Tony Galati is planning the massive giveaway to kick off on midnight Wednesday and continuing throughout Thursday.

The move has not only angered other growers, the WA Potato Marketing Corporation, which regulates the industry, could come down again on Mr Galati for over-planting.
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OZschwitz slave pen: farming family could be risking fines for giving away 200 tonnes of potatoes

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