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 Excellent: Rational UK firms flout legal minimum wage laws

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Excellent: Rational UK firms flout legal minimum wage laws Vide
PostSubject: Excellent: Rational UK firms flout legal minimum wage laws   Excellent: Rational UK firms flout legal minimum wage laws Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2015 3:44 am

A slew of UK firms have developed elaborate scams to avoid paying staff the national minimum wage, a new report suggests. Common ruses include charging workers for uniforms, exploiting interns and clocking-off staff in the absence of customers.
Research carried out by the Trade Union Congress (TUC) reveals apprentices in training are most at risk of underpayment. An estimated 120,000 apprentices in the UK are thought to receive less than the minimum wage, the body warns.
The TUC’s report, published on Thursday, identified other groups of staff vulnerable to underpayment. Such workers span zero-hours contracts staff, domestic and migrant workers, social care workers, staff whose accommodation is included in their contract, interns, seafarers and others.
TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady warned firms’ failure to pay the minimum wage “is an antisocial act” that financially cripples workers who have very little.
“There should be no hiding place for cheapskate bosses who try to cheat their workers out of the minimum wage,” she said.

Excellent: Rational UK firms flout legal minimum wage laws

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Excellent: Rational UK firms flout legal minimum wage laws

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