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 LOL, the 'free market' infiltrates heart of establishment: Illegal immigrant with fake passport worked in House of Commons

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LOL, the 'free market' infiltrates heart of establishment: Illegal immigrant with fake passport worked in House of Commons Vide
PostSubject: LOL, the 'free market' infiltrates heart of establishment: Illegal immigrant with fake passport worked in House of Commons   LOL, the 'free market' infiltrates heart of establishment: Illegal immigrant with fake passport worked in House of Commons Icon_minitimeTue Jan 06, 2015 9:57 pm

An illegal immigrant with a forged passport managed to secure a job in the House of Commons. The scandal has sparked fresh concerns about security measures in the heart of British power.
The woman in question, thought to be from crisis-ridden Sierra Leone, was arrested on December 2 after officials discovered her passport was fake.
She had been working for two months as a casual caterer in the Palace of Westminster, having been put forward for the post by a recruitment agency.
The agency had reportedly been responsible for carrying out checks on the woman’s background.
Her status as a temporary staff member at the palace meant that she was supposed to be accompanied by an escort at all times on parliamentary grounds. However, it was claimed on Monday night that she had been allowed to move with ease around Westminster using a pass owned by a colleague, who was a permanent staff member.
The House of Commons confirmed the arrest on Monday night.

LOL, the 'free market' infiltrates heart of establishment: Illegal immigrant with fake passport worked in House of Commons
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LOL, the 'free market' infiltrates heart of establishment: Illegal immigrant with fake passport worked in House of Commons

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