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 OZschwitz gulag: the questions you were too nervous to ask in case ASIO was listening

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz gulag: the questions you were too nervous to ask in case ASIO was listening Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz gulag: the questions you were too nervous to ask in case ASIO was listening   OZschwitz gulag: the questions you were too nervous to ask in case ASIO was listening Icon_minitimeSat Oct 04, 2014 6:54 pm

Parliament this week adopted new national security laws. Wise and necessary to keep us safe, or the slippery slope to a police state? Philip Dorling snoops through the data to find out whether ASIO will be watching and listening to everything.

What has changed with the national security laws - what new powers have been introduced?

The new laws include jail terms of up to 10 years for persons, including journalists, who disclose details of ASIO "special intelligence operations" (SIOs) and provide immunity from criminal prosecution for ASIO officers and agents who commit crimes in the course of such activities.

ASIO will also be able to access, modify, disrupt or alter computers on a computer network with a single warrant, which has led critics to warn that the laws could allow the entire Internet to be monitored because it is a "network of networks."

Who voted for the new laws?

The Liberal-National Party Coalition, the Labor Party and the Palmer United Party combined to pass the legislation. The Australian Greens and a handful of independents opposed the laws.

Will agencies like ASIO be above the law?

The new legislation provides legal immunity for ASIO officers engaged in activities designated by the Attorney-General as special intelligence operations. The Coalition and Labor say SIOs are highly sensitive "counter-espionage and counter-terrorism operations" in which ASIO officers and agents work undercover and "will only ever comprise a very small part of ASIO's work".

ASIO officers and agents will pretend to be terrorists and even establish fake terrorist groups to collect intelligence and disrupt terrorist recruitment. Immunity from prosecution does not extend to torture, to any conduct causing serious harm or death, to sexual offences, or to serious damage to property.

Attorney-General George Brandis is insistent that ASIO "do not over-reach, that they exercise their powers judiciously but effectively, and that they are fully accountable to the public through the architecture of executive and parliamentary oversight".

However, the extreme secrecy surrounding SIOs makes public scrutiny highly unlikely. The intelligence community watchdog, the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security remains a small and under-resourced agency while the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security has proved itself to be more of an advocate for intelligence agencies than an instrument of accountability.

Why further increase national security powers?

The government says the new laws are a necessary response to the immediate threat of terrorism. Prime Minister Abbott has said that at least 60 Australian citizens are in the Middle East fighting for the Islamic State and other militant groups, and a further 100-200 Australians reportedly support such groups.

Last week Senator Brandis announced the government would provide ASIO with an additional $196.8 million. This new funding comes on top of another $630 million boost to national security agencies in August. That's between $3.8 million and $5.1 million of extra funding this year to cover each terrorist suspect or sympathiser.

Australia's national security agencies are desperately anxious to forestall any terrorist attack. No one wants to front a royal commission inquiry after a major incident. Being tough on national security has also been a political plus for successive governments.

It's also the case that the laws have been in the legislative pipeline for quite some time. Drafting began during the former Labor government. Moreover, the Abbott government acknowledges that the secrecy provisions are designed to deal with another security issue - the threat of a "trusted insider" who might disclose sensitive information to the media, like Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden in the United States.

How will the laws affect journalism and the public's 'right to know'?

Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance federal secretary Chris Warren says the law will "muzzle" the media. "The bill criminalises legitimate journalist reporting of matters in the public interest ... It persecutes and prosecutes whistleblowers and journalists who are dealing with whistleblowers," Warren argues.

Labor shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus is insistent the law "will not criminalise the good faith activities of journalists … but where journalists are aware of the possibility of endangering undercover ASIO officers, we expect them to act responsibly".

If special intelligence operations are confined to a narrow field of highly sensitive counter-terrorism and counter-espionage operations, the effects on national security journalism may not be as severe as critics have suggested. However, there is always the potential for intelligence agencies to push the black letter of the law to its limit. Over time SIOs may cover a larger range of ASIO activities and that would inhibit journalists from reporting on security issues.

Will ASIO monitor my phone calls and texts and my email?

ASIO is unlikely to be monitoring your phone calls or email unless you are suspected of involvement in terrorism or espionage. The Australian Federal Police and other law enforcement agencies may be listening if you're engaged in other criminal activity. Both the Coalition and Labor say that claims the new national security laws will enable ASIO to monitor "the entire Internet" under a single warrant are wrong. They are correct, but the law does significantly increase ASIO's ability to access the target computers and specific computer networks.

The Coalition government will shortly introduce more national security legislation to require telecommunications and internet service providers to retain metadata for at least two years to be available to security and law enforcement agencies. Access to metadata is already a routine investigatory tool. Federal and state law enforcement agencies accessed private telecommunications and internet data 330,640 times during criminal and financial investigations in 2012-13 - an 11 per cent increase in a year and a jump of 31 per cent over two years.

If you're a journalist who has reported leaked government information, the AFP can access your metadata in efforts to pinpoint the source. If it's a national security issue, they may tap your phone as well.

When will it all end? Will these national security laws ever be repealed?

Probably never. The "war on terrorism" appears endless. A tiny minority of extremists will probably continue to fuel security fears, making it unlikely there will be any wind-back of security measures.

Australia's Islamic communities can expect to be subject to widespread surveillance for decades to come. Another group likely to receive increasing attention is the Australian-Chinese community, thanks to Chinese espionage and covert interference in Australian political life.

Environmental activists who engage in non-violent protests are also of interest to the AFP and state police. Greatly enhanced security capabilities make it likely the scope of surveillance will continue to expand.

The national security state is empowered, cashed-up and here to stay.

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