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 Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king

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Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Vide
PostSubject: Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king   Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Icon_minitimeFri Jul 18, 2014 10:15 pm

How many crimes can a Maori prince commit before he’s convicted– or crowned?

Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-checklist-not-ok

A billion dollars in assets, and still no change to the bad stats.
And that’s just in the Tainui royal family, where the ruling class and the underclass appear to be closely related.
This is the story of what happened when the most rebellious member of the rebel court of Ngaruawahia came face to face with perhaps the most weak-kneed judge of the Court of New Zealand.
It concerns the repeated offending of both Prince Korotangi Paki and Judge Philippa Cunningham.
It features the imaginative excuses of King Tuheitia, Tuku Morgan, Annette Sykes and Kim Workman.
And it goes to the heart of the crisis that this site seeks to expose: the relentless glorification in a supposedly civilised country of the primitive over the civilised, not just by those who identify as primitive, but also by those who are supposed to represent the civilised.
The New Zealand Herald reports:
Quote :
Paki was drinking with three co-accused in Kaiti, Gisborne, on March 18.
The defendants drove to the Top Ten Holiday Park where they stole two $800 surfboards which belonged to Whakatane High School, according to the police summary of facts.
One defendant returned a surf board when stopped by a member of the public. The second surfboard was placed by Paki in a car the group were using.
They then stole $650 of goods from the boot of a vehicle parked in a man’s driveway, and drove metres down the road where they stole another surfboard from a garage.

Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-police-prosecutor-gul-qaisranis-comment

Consequences?: PC Plod was no match for the PC judge.
(How ironic that Philippa Cunningham’s initials are also PC.)
Here’s a summary of the case with excerpts from stuff:
The defence:
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Paki also applied for a discharge without conviction today. [His three accomplices on the burglary and theft charges had been discharged a few days before.]
His lawyer Paul Wicks QC told the court a conviction would impede his ability to accede to the throne. Potential successors had to have an unblemished record because of the custodial responsibilities involved as King.
 The prosecution:
Quote :
However, police prosecutor Gul Qaisrani argued a discharge without conviction would set a negative precedent, describing Paki’s attitude during the time of the second offences as “reckless”.
“He knew  at the time what would be the consequences and what would be the implications of the conviction. Therefore he should be liable for the punishment,” he said.
The fact Paki had been on bail for the drink driving incident when he carried out the burglary and theft was “an aggravating factor” he said, which separated him from his three co-accused.
The decision:
Quote :
Judge Philippa Cunningham discharged Paki without conviction on all charges but imposed a special condition that he provide the court evidence he did not have an alcohol problem or if he did, that he had addressed it with counselling.
I’ll give you my thoughts on that decision in a moment. (Quite a lot of them, in fact, because I think this is important.)
But first let’s get to know Prince Korotangi Paki — the Prince Harry of Maoridom — second of two sons of King Tuheitia Paki.
Here’s the Tainui Kid in 2012 expounding his leadership philosophy on Facebook after being ejected from his kapa haka team for unprincely behaviour…

Don’t worry if you couldn’t quite make out the words – I’ve laid them out below. In modifying them for a family audience, I realised that they would make quite a rhythmical and spirited haka…

Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-korotangi-paki-haka

Korotangi Paki’s leadership haka. Might there be a connection between certain
customary rituals and elevated levels of Maori youth violence?
Although I’m being satirical here, how can such angry rituals as hakas and powhiris not be fuelling Maori youth violence?
Call me an angry white male, but surely it’s time for Maori to complete the journey from the primitive to the civilised world by saying “It’s not OK” to these relentlessly boorish,  backward expressions of “culture”.
I feel sorry for all the decent, thoroughly modern Maori who just want to live their lives as equal citizens of a country in which they are endlessly patronised by the nation’s leaders, and continually shamed by their own.
Not only must they put up with being “represented” by the violence and foul-mouthed racism of the Harawira family, but now the so-called “royal” family are letting the side down as well.
This is what passes for racial tolerance in the household of the Maori “king”…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-facebook-chingy-eyed-cs-pptx

Anti-Asian racism by resentful Maori is nothing new.
Racist abuse by a member of the royal family is.

And there’s more from prince Korotangi Paki, this time invoking the Nazis and the Mongrel Mob…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-facebook-f-ck-seig-heil

This Facebook post reveals the young prince is an artist. Good on him for
that. Just a shame that “f ck” and the Mongrel Mob salute “seig (sic) hail (sic)”
seem to be acceptable usage in the Maori variant of the King’s English.

To be fair to the Mongrel Mob, they only misspell “sieg”. The king’s son manages to get “heil” wrong as well. He’s also come up with innovative new variants of both “sieg” and “dog”…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-facebook-haka

“Seigg dogg and his bro”: Prince Korotangi Paki reenacting the savagery
of his skull-smashing cannibal warrior ancestor Te Wherowhero .

If only his offending was limited to word crimes. Or even just one or two crimes.
But sadly, the second in line to the Maori throne ticks all the boxes of a typical South Auckland street crim.
No arrests for physical violence so far, it seems. Let’s hope it stays that way after September, when he becomes a father with his pregnant girlfriend.
Judging by his crazed YouTube tirade above, who can be confident?
And remember, that video was made after he’d nearly killed himself and a friend the year before…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-no-stranger-to-trouble

The Herald reports that in 2011, a 16 year old Korotangi was up on
boy racer charges after nearly killing himself and his friend in a car crash.
He seems to have been let off that one too.

Disgracefully, it appears the 2013 drink-driving charge is the second driving charge for which the king’s son has gone unpunished.
The media can find no record of Paki even going to court for his near-fatal boy racer crash in 2011. This despite the police having charged him with dangerous driving.
At a court appearance on 5 May 2014 over his burglary and drink-driving charges, his lawyer said that he was “appearing for the first time”.
Why did he not appear in 2011?


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-was-he-also-let-off-after-2011-crash

The Mitsubishi Lancer that Paki wrapped round a Huntly power pole.
Question: What do the young prince’s racist Facebook posts, raging video, and near-fatal car crash have in common?
Answer: they all happened before the four charges (two of burglary, one of theft and one of drunken driving) that Judge Philippa Cunningham let him off recently.
Charges to which he had pleaded guilty.
To keep track of the prince’s largely unpunished offending:

  • 2011 — wrapped a car round a power pole in near-fatal boy racer crash. Charged, then let off by police.*
  • 2012 — made a foul-mouthed video rant after being kicked out of a kapa haka contest.
  • 2013 — October: caught driving drunk. Let off, apart from 8 month loss of licence.
    2013 — December: posted racist Facebook comment abusing Chinese.
  • 2014 — March: while on bail, went on burglary bender, stealing over $2000 worth of surfboards and clothes. Let off.

Roll on 2015. What will he do for an encore?
* At his 5 May 2014 court hearing, Paki’s lawyer said he was appearing for the first time, indicating police must have quietly dropped the dangerous driving charges in 2011.
Let’s be clear, there are three main offenders in this story:

  1. The Maori king’s son – for three times burgling and stealing while on bail for drink-driving at over seven times the legal limit, having previously been charged with boy racing and crashing a car.
  2. The judge – who discharged the crooked prince because convictions would have stopped him from becoming king.
  3. The king – who through his representative proclaimed Judge Philippa Cunningham’s decision a victory for Maori.

Who’s worst? I don’t know about you, but my order of offensiveness is 3, 2, 1.
In any credible monarchy, the son’s four crimes would rule him out of ever ruling anyone. And yet the King has not ruled him out. The boy’s crimes were no less criminal just because a weak judge dared not offend the sacred race.
Far better, Cunningham no doubt rationalised (in keeping with her PC tradition as a Helen Clark appointee), to offend 95% of the population…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-stuff-poll-95-opposed

The public judges the judge harshly in stuff’s online poll.

Stuff’s poll was just the latest in a long line of polls about aspects of racial favouritism. The message from New Zealanders is always the same — about 80% opposed…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Polls-12-polls-1-message

Next time someone tries to call you a fringe “redneck”, ask them if they
believe 80% of New Zealanders are rednecks. On the evidence of 12 polls (the
latest today), that’s how many don’t want a bar of racial favouritism.

And yet, despite knowing the way her employers — the people of New Zealand — feel about racial bias, Judge Philippa Cunningham was happy to ignore the 80% and indulge the 20%…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Judge-philippa-cunningham-serial-offender-paki-quote1

Judge Philippa Cunningham has “form” in slapping celebrities
with wet bus tickets. This time the Queen’s law enforcer prefers to
work for the Maori King. 

It’s clear from her comments in the Rotorua Daily Post that Judge Philippa Cunningham is a dangerously craven, politically correct fool of a judge.
Quote :
‘In sentencing, Judge Cunningham said she was “driven to the conclusion” that Paki would lose out on being a successor if convicted.
Quote :
“There’s only two sons and in my view it’s important that the king at the appropriate time has the widest possible choice of a successor and it’s important for Mr Paki, as one of those two sons, to have the potential to be a successor in time.”
Why is it important for a street criminal to grow up to be a king? Why is that more important than protecting the public from him?
The editor of the Manawatu Standard, Michael Cummings, got to the nub of the issue:
Quote :
But the true absurdity in the Paki case lies not in the outcome, but in the logic upon which it was based.
During Paki’s sentencing hearing, Judge Philippa Cunningham asked his lawyer, Paul Wicks, to make inquiries as to the impact a conviction would have on his client’s chances of becoming king.
Wicks investigated, before telling the judge that “any conviction for any criminal offending is considered unacceptable. The chiefs around the country are often heard to say [eligible candidates] must be ‘whiter than the dove’,” Wicks said.
So, the next Maori King can be a confessed burglar, thief and drink driver, as long as the Ministry of Justice’s database doesn’t record him as such.
If Judge Cunningham took a holistic view of the case before her, she would have identified that Paki could never be considered “whiter than a dove” no matter what decision she reached regarding his request to be discharged without conviction.
Well said, Mr Ed.


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-eligible-candidates-must-be-whiter-than-the-dove

With or without a conviction, the chiefly standard dictates that Paki cannot
be King. So why can he not be convicted?
Everyone in Tainui knows that Korotangi’s got no chance of being king — and no desire to be. In fact, the diabetic King has already chosen K0r0′s older brother as his stand-in:
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In 2012 Paki announced that due to ill health he was … deputising his son Whatumoana Te Aa Paki to act in his stead.
Earth to Judge Philippa Cunningham: you are not employed as a succession-planner to the rebel court of Ngaruawahia. You are paid by the Court of New Zealand to treat all of your fellow citizens equally under the law.


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Judge-philippa-cunningham-earth-to-judge-philippa

Someone please tell Judge Cunningham that she works for
the Queen of New Zealand, not the King of Ngaruawahia.
 Multiple offending and burgling while on bail are evidently no big deal to this serial wet-bus-ticket-wielder:
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While his drink driving was moderately serious, she said, the direct and indirect consequences of a conviction were “out of all proportion” to the offence.
Moderately serious? Consequences?
After previously crashing his car into a power pole while speeding (for which he apparently suffered no legal consequences), you’d think there’d be zero tolerance of any more driving offences by Mr Paki.
But no, he was let off again, even though…
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Breath testing gave a reading of 761, nearly twice the adult limit and more than five times the limit for someone under 20 at the time.
Er no, actually more than 761 times, since the limit for his age was 0.
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However, she said she was concerned that alcohol had been a factor in both incidents, and made the ruling conditional on receiving a report from a medical professional clearing Paki of any alcohol addiction or alcohol abuse issues.
He was also disqualified from holding a drivers licence for eight months.
Well I guess that’s something.
By the way, according to the Herald, the king was in court to support Korotangi. Did his regal presence cause the PC judge to go soft on his son?


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-drink-drive-ad-spoof

An apt drink-driving ad spoof that’s doing the rounds.
So the recidivist drunken boy racer will be back hooning around the streets in March — thanks judge.
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She ordered a discharge without conviction for the burglary and theft charges, in keeping with Paki’s co-accused.’

  1. Were Paki’s co-accused let off because they were the prince’s “bros”? Why else would they have been let off charges of stealing over $2000 worth of property?

      2.     Why did Paki get the same non-punishment as his mates when, unlike them, he committed his crimes while on bail for another crime?


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-english-royals-can-be-convicted-but-not-maori

If an English court can fine Princess Anne and behead King Charles I,
why can’t a New Zealand court convict a Maori royal recidivist?

Blogger Alf Grumble points out that there is a real double standard between the way the British courts dealt with an errant Princess Anne (not to mention Charles I, who was beheaded!) and the way the New Zealand court has dealt with the multiple-offending Maori prince.

Even before she discharged the pilfering prince, Cunningham had earned her own special Facebook page “Call for Judge Philippa Cunningham to Resign”.
That was over her discharge and name suppression of a child-abusing comedian because, among other things, “he makes people laugh” and “we all need a good laugh”.


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Judge-philippa-cunningham-call-to-resign-facebook-page

A Facebook page demanding the resignation of the serial-offender judge.

She is also the only judge to feature three times on the list of bad judgements on the Sensible Sentencing Trust’s Judge the Judges site…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Judge-philippa-cunningham-judge-the-judges

Judge Philippa Cunningham and her not-so-sensible sentencing
that you definitely can’t trust.

But even Judge Philippa’s offending pales next to that of the Maori king and his representative Tuku “Fancy Pants” Morgan…


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Discharging-burglar-prince-a-victory-for-maori-tuku-morgan

The king’s representative Tuku Morgan. If Paki’s
discharge was a victory, what would a defeat look like?
Morgan’s comments say all that needs to be said about the entitlement ethos of today’s Maori leadership:
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Outside court yesterday, the royal family’s representative, Tuku Morgan, said the judge’s decision had been a victory for Maori and recognition of their unique culture.
“[Paki] has the right as one of two sons to be included in the process to inherit or to take the place of his father,” Morgan said.
“The judge has recognised a very important and compelling cultural difference; that he is entwined in a succession process that one day will give rise to a new head of the kingdom, and his opportunity should not be in any way shape or form minimised or compromised.”
Thanks for clearing the heir, Tuku.
So a Maori royal’s “right to be included in the inheritance process” takes precedence over the public’s right to be protected from a right royal ratbag. Welcome to diplomatic immunity, Tainui-style.
To their credit, many Maori are among the 95% of New Zealanders who disagree with the sycophantic judge and the contemptible attitude of the bogus “kingdom”.


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Dover-samuels-put-a-cloak-on-a-white-man-and-hell-go-weak-at-the-knees

Former Labour MP Dover Samuels accused the judge of suffering from
cultural hypnosis, which reminded me of another of his quotes, above.
One who condemns both the judge’s decision and Tuku Morgan’s response is former Labour MP Dover Samuels :
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“I think the judge is absolutely suffering from some sort of cultural hypnosis,” he said.
“I think she’s been persuaded and I think she’s wrong, and to me I don’t think most New Zealander’s would support that.”
Paki should not have hid behind his royalty and taken responsibility for his actions, Samuels said.
“Most New Zealanders would think that this is a young man who has committed an offence and pleaded guilty to it and would have the courage to stand up and say ‘treat me no different to anybody else’,” Samuels said.
“It doesn’t matter what Tuku Morgan thinks.”
A commendable response. Samuels told Tv3:
Quote :
“We have many of our young people very similar circumstances who have been confined to her majesty’s marae at Ngawha Prison … Judges need to focus on the consistency of their penalties,” he says.

Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Ngawha-a-gated-community-fit-for-a-prince

Korotangi Paki should be going to Ngawha, not Ngaruawahia.
It was Samuels who, according to former prime minister Mike Moore, once said about the sycophancy of the likes of Doug Graham and Chris Finlayson, “Put a cloak on a Pakeha and he’ll go weak at the knees”.
And he wasn’t the only high profile Maori leader from the Left to criticise Judge Cunningham:
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Labour Party MP Nanaia Mahuta, who is Korotangi Paki’s aunt, said the comments were unacceptable.
They did not send the right signals to young people about what was acceptable in a society such as New Zealand’s, where people were treated fairly, equally and with respect, she said.
Only problem with that, Nanaia, is that some people in New Zealand are treated more fairly and more equally than others.


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Maori-kings-son-use-of-sieg-heil-ignorance-of-youth

King Tuheitia Paki. The man who thinks he owns your water also thinks
his son saying “Sieg Heil” can be put down to the “ignorance of youth”.
So whose job was it to educate his son?
Most organisations are the lengthened shadow of the man or woman at the top. The same applies to families.
This is how Korotangi Paki’s father the king responded to his son’s foul-mouthed anti-Asian racism and use of the Nazi/Mongrel Mob salute “Sieg Heil”:
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In a statement, King Tuheitia said that he apologised unreservedly for any offence the comments had caused and had let his son know of his extreme displeasure.
(Presumably the same displeasure that had no effect when he presumably voiced it in 2011, 2012 and 2013.)
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He said he did not condone racism in any shape or form, and that the ill-advised use of a gang slogan could be put down to the “ignorance of youth”.
Too true. But why is his son so ignorant?
Surely it’s the duty of a Maori monarch to impress upon his offspring the depravity of the gang culture that destroys the lives of so many of his people.
The king’s failure to do so is more high-profile evidence that poor parenting, not colonisation, is the chief cause of intergenerational Maori underperformance.
Tainui’s billion dollar asset milestone suggests it’s not a money problem, but a moral problem.


Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Annette-sykes-korotangi-getting-marae-justice-yeah-right

Annette: If marae justice is so great, why does he keep offending?
Sadly and predictably, my Native Affairs debating opponent Annette Sykes is denying the undeniable:
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“The Maori King’s son wasn’t given preferential treatment when he was discharged without a conviction on charges of burglary, theft and drink driving,” says Mana Party member and lawyer Annette Sykes.
Korotangi Paki, 19, had previously pleaded guilty to all the charges related to two separate incidents from March this year and October 2013.
His friends Te Ahorangi Totorewa, 20, Hamuera Wipoha Pugh, 19, and Raa Ngaru Smith, 18 were all discharged without conviction in Gisborne District Court on Monday over the March burglary and theft incident.
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Yesterday in the Auckland District Court, Judge Philippa Cunningham discharged Paki without conviction.
Ms Sykes told Newstalk ZB this morning that was appropriate.
“The principle of equal treatment needed to be taken in to account,” she said.
“Remember [the co-offenders] were dealt with first and they got a very similar outcome. It would be wrong for three men to [be discharged without conviction] and a young man to be ostracised just because he is the King’s son.”
But hang on, Annette. You’re conveniently ignoring the distinct possibility that Paki’s three accomplices were let off precisely because they were mates of the king’s son. Why else would a gang of thieves be treated so leniently?
And more to the point, you’re also well aware that Paki’s offending was much worse than his mates’.
Judge Philippa made it clear to Paki’s lawyer that she viewed his drink-driving charge as more serious than the burglary and theft charges.
And he’d been not only caught drink-driving, but was on bail for it when he nicked the surfboards and clothes.
And they hadn’t, and weren’t.
Two reasons why he should have been dealt with differently. How many more offences should the king’s son have to commit before he receives more punishment?
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Ms Sykes said Paki hadn’t been let off the charge within Tainui.
“Korotangi has really had marae justice served up to him.”
Yeah right. And what does “marae justice” mean? Surely not family violence?
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One of the King’s spokesmen, Rahui Papa confirmed to the Herald that Korotangi was driving the vehicle … “When I see him, he’s going to get a big clip on his ears.”
Like spokesman, like son. Everyone in His Majesty’s court seems to be competing to be the biggest embarrassment.
As for Korotangi, how genuinely sorry is this young hoon likely to be after years of getting away with bad behaviour?
And if he is, why doesn’t he say so?
Considering he comes from a rebel tribe that breached the Treaty and illegally took up arms against the Crown in the 1860s, excuse me if I doubt Tuku Morgan’s assurance — let alone Paki’s lawyer’s – that he is “genuinely remorseful”.
More than likely they’ll all just be having another laugh at the expense of the dumb Pakeha.


More on this criminal imbecile here:
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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Vide
PostSubject: Re: Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king   Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Icon_minitimeFri Jul 18, 2014 10:24 pm

Awesome post! Applause

Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king Annette-sykes-korotangi-getting-marae-justice-yeah-right

 Laughing face
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Statist racket and “A victory for Maori”: judge discharges raging drunken racist boy racer mobster burglar so he can be king

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