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 McDonald's Employee Who Served Raw Burger To Cop Deserves Presidential Medal Of Freedom

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McDonald's Employee Who Served Raw Burger To Cop Deserves Presidential Medal Of Freedom Vide
PostSubject: McDonald's Employee Who Served Raw Burger To Cop Deserves Presidential Medal Of Freedom   McDonald's Employee Who Served Raw Burger To Cop Deserves Presidential Medal Of Freedom Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 1:23 am

A New Hampshire police officer is complaining that a McDonald’s employee deliberately served him a raw burger causing him to get sick.  This McDonald’s employee not only deserves a promotion but should also be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  It actually isn’t very difficult to make this case.  There is little question that this person is much more deserving of receiving this award than a war criminal like Tony Blair who received the award several years ago.  At least this McDonald’s worker is protesting against a criminal entity that has been destroying freedom in America.   There will probably be a bunch of zombies reading this that will be outraged at even the thought of this but it is actually a serious suggestion.  Police officers are widely hated by a large number of people in America and they only have themselves to blame.  Police departments have morphed into uniformed criminal gangs that no longer protect and serve their communities but instead bully people around with their gun and badge. 

Let’s look at some of the facts that prove this to be the case.  There are now countless documented cases of police officers unjustly beating and even killing people.  Many of these cops have actually gotten away with these crimes due to their privileged position as a police officer.  Sometimes police departments have the nerve to charge the person they beat up with crimes like assault and battery.  Combine this with the continued militarization of police departments and this type of thing is only going to get progressively worse.    
When cops aren’t running around beating and killing people they are handing out record numbers of traffic tickets to people.  Many police departments have setup quota systems which require their cops to hand out a certain number of tickets within an allotted time frame.  These jackasses don’t even consider the fact that we are in the midst of an economic depression.  Instead, they continue to hand out ticket after ticket even though we are at a point where a lot of people can barely afford to buy basic necessities.  Make no mistake about it, speed limit laws and many of these other ridiculous traffic regulations are not meant to keep people safe but are instead used as another revenue source for government. 
On top of this, many cops act in a completely disrespectful manner towards other people.  It is almost as if they have some sort of inferiority complex so they have to make up for it by taking a job that allows them to bully people around.  It would be interesting to see how many of these so-called heroes have thwarted or solved real legitimate crimes.  That number on a percentage basis is probably extremely low because these tough guys view writing tickets as a more important task than paying attention to crimes that have real victims.
With all this said should it really be a mystery as to why people hate the police?  They enforce all sorts of ridiculous rules, regulations and laws most of which are totally victimless in nature.  Take for example all of the insanity surrounding the enforcement of drug laws in America.  Do we really need an army of these uniformed idiots running around looking for marijuana, cocaine and other substances?   It should be obvious that we do not.
Businesses around the country should begin refusing to provide service to any and all uniformed police officers until major attitude and policy adjustments occur.  Either that or do what the guy at McDonald’s did and serve them with an inferior product.  This will send a clear message to these criminals that people hate them.  The New Hampshire cop should actually be thankful the McDonald’s employee didn’t do worse to his cheeseburger.  The employee could have dropped a deuce on the hamburger patties if they were truly vindictive.
Make no mistake about it, police officers are not heroes and it is absolutely ridiculous that they are portrayed with such reverence by the corporate media.  Look at how they present stories in which a cop gets killed in the line of duty.  It is as if they want us to believe that their lives are more valuable than someone who isn’t a cop when in reality the opposite is true.  Anyone who decides to make a living as a police officer is less valuable than someone who earns a living by providing a legitimate service that people want.
Some say that not all cops are bad, but this is a misinformed view.  Anybody that willingly becomes a cop to help enforce a never ending list of unjust rules, regulations and laws is mostly as bad as anybody else on these forces.  Some might be worse than others, but that’s about all that can be argued.  The system is so far gone that cops who have any sort of conscience left should quit in protest and find real honest work.  Working as a police officer is dishonest because the profession has devolved into government sanctioned criminality.

Source: Lee Rogers
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McDonald's Employee Who Served Raw Burger To Cop Deserves Presidential Medal Of Freedom

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