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 OZschwitz gulag: Temporary visas equal torture

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz gulag: Temporary visas equal torture Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz gulag: Temporary visas equal torture   OZschwitz gulag: Temporary visas equal torture Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 6:45 pm

The old warhorses Philip Ruddock and Kevin Andrews have stirred from their slumbers for a last battle against the infidel horde. Like those sad veterans at Anzac Day booze-ups for whom the war was the high point of their lives, the two former immigration ministers are telling the same old tales: 10,000 queue-jumpers are at our doorstep, we must be afraid, and we must be tough.

While not yet advocating a return to the so-called Pacific Solution, or the harsh detention policies of the Coalition's glory days, Andrews has suggested reintroducing a version of the temporary protection visa. He's rebadged it an "unlawful entrant visa." But it amounts to the same thing - psychological torture.

Unfortunately Kevin Rudd sounds all too willing to parrot the line of his adversaries instead of using his huge popularity to fashion a more civilised public debate. And of all the old battle strategies that may seem politically palatable for Labor to revive, it is the temporary protection visa. Labor may baulk at reopening the old hell-hole detention centres, Baxter and Woomera, or at buying off a few destitute Pacific nations to keep the asylum seekers out of sight, out of mind. But the idea of providing a temporary haven to refugees until the trouble at home blows over, instead of granting them permanent residence, can sound both reasonable and firm. If the Prime Minister decides he can no longer mollify the "battlers" with incendiary rhetoric then he may be tempted to toughen policy, and grab something from the Coalition's old bag of tricks. In labelling people smugglers the "vilest form of people on the planet", and declaring that he makes "no apologies whatsoever for deploying the most hardline measures necessary to deal with the problems of illegal immigration", Rudd is firing up expectations of action.

I don't know what he could - or should - do to stop asylum seekers fleeing the worsening conflict in Afghanistan and the legacy of the war in Sri Lanka. But I know temporary protection visas turned out to be one of the most evil creations of the Howard government, and they should not be reinstated.

Study after study showed they were anything but reasonable. They were torment. Temporary protection visas, as Ruddock and Andrews well know, were a political stunt to appease the masses, and punish the refugees who had passed immigration's most rigorous test.

The Howard government introduced the special visa category in October 1999, stealing the policy from One Nation, along with its supporters. Unique among civilised nations at the time, Australia insisted that refugees who came by boat had to prove their status again and again. Once people had been found to be genuine refugees under the UN Convention, they were given a temporary three-year visa, after which they had to re-apply. Under the terms of the temporary visa, they were denied English lessons, the unemployment benefit, and the usual help with resettlement that Australia had extended to newcomers for 50 years. The government-funded Migrant Resource Centres were threatened with losing their funds if they offered help to those on temporary visas. The refugees lived with constant uncertainty of being sent back.

But worst of all, they were unable to bring their families to join them under family reunion policies. If the temporary visa holders left, they could not return. They faced the prospect of never seeing their families again. Among the 353 who drowned in the 2001 SIEV-X disaster were wives and children of men already in Australia on temporary visas.

As harmless as it sounds, the temporary protection visa was an exquisite form of cruelty, and the toll exacted was documented by RMIT University in Melbourne and the University of NSW school of psychiatry. Refugees who thought release from the detention centres meant freedom, the RMIT study found, experienced depression and despair. Their lives were put on hold, and they feared for their future. They could not settle. The University of NSW study compared refugees on temporary visas with handpicked refugees on permanent protection visas who had experienced similar traumas in Iran, such as torture and the disappearance of family members. Those on the temporary visa were just as traumatised two years after "freedom" as on the day they left the detention centre. They had found no peace or sense of security. The Iranians on permanent visas showed almost no signs of mental illness after two years.

Continuing to punish people, even after they had been found to be genuine refugees, was part of the Coalition's policy of the ends justifying the means. It didn't matter that very few people on temporary visas were ever sent back in the end. Most got permanent residency, after having been made to endure three to five years of unnecessary psychological torture. All that mattered was the "perception" among Australian voters that Australia was tough on asylum seekers. Whether such pointless cruelty stopped a single boat was irrelevant.

Kevin Andrews, who is overseeing the development of the Opposition's policy, would be advised to read the research.

However Labor plans to deal with the enfeebled Opposition's latest fear-mongering, it should give the benign-sounding temporary protection visa a wide berth.

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